How to Ground Yourself When You Can’t Go Outside

Grounding is essential to our well-being. And Lord knows, as crazy as shit is in life, grounding needs to happen, like all the time! One of my favorite and quickest ways to ground myself is to go outside in nature. Since I live in a big city, the best place for me to go is the local park.  However, when the winter months approach, it gets cold enough to become acquainted with Jack Frost. Therefore, I just had to mention how to ground yourself when you can’t go outside.

There are several ways to ground yourself when you can’t go outside. Let’s be clear about something first. Many live in warmer climates, so being outdoors in the fall and winter months doesn’t make any difference.

However, there are times the weather doesn’t permit like if it’s hotter dragon spit or it’s raining cats and dogs. And yeah, let’s not forget the times when you can’t get out of the house or don’t feel like it.


How To Ground Yourself When You Can’t Go Outside

A lot of times we can’t get out because we’re too damn busy. And I like things to get done fast when I’m super busy! So, here is a simple sweet list of how to ground yourself when you can’t go outside.

The shower, a warm bath, or your favorite candles make grounding easy when the weather is unfavorable for grounding outside. Try them all if you’d like. I like these methods because they’re easy to combine with stuff I’m already doing.


1. Shower Grounding

Water rituals, baptisms, and astral body cleansing using water have always been a part of spirituality. One of the easiest and fastest ways to ground yourself when you can’t go outside is to use the shower.

Shower grounding requires you to “cleanse” from head to toe. If you do not wet or shampoo your hair daily, that’s okay. You need to wear an actual shower cap for this. Your hair, scarf, wrap, do-rag, bonnet, or whatever will get wet if you don’t.

Take a shower like you normally do.  Add a prayer, blessing, or spell (whatever suits you) as follows:


I release all negative energy that is bound to my aura.

Let it be cleansed with the flowing water before me.  

Let all low vibrational energy that does not serve me go straight down the drain.

Allow my chakras to be brought back to balance and my energy grounded.


Make sure you “wet your hair” for full coverage.   Simply run the shower water over your shower cap (or splash a little water) and presto! This also works great while taking a bath!

This is a descriptive photo about bath grounding that can be pinned on Pinterest or posted on other social media platforms.

2. Candle Grounding

Choose a plain white candle or you can use a specific candle for candle grounding. The best time to ground yourself using candles is when you have at least ten minutes to yourself. I have noticed the more candles I light, the warmer the room is.

I particularly like to light at least seven candles in one room, so keep in mind that the temperature will rise when you light many. As an added benefit, this will leave you feeling cozy and warm (especially in the colder climate/months) as well as grounded and balanced. Sounds like an effing win-win to me!

While lighting the candles, clear your mind and set the intended use of these candles to soothe and relax you, especially if lighting at the end of a long day.

Using the remainder of the evening to wind down with the help of the relaxing candles, feeling grounded will soon follow. And of course,  use candles while taking a bath.

This image can be pinned to Pinterest or other posted on other social media platforms.

Final Thoughts

I told you this one was super easy! I hope you found this post helpful. Keeping yourself grounded helps to shed the stress of everyday life. Therefore we can continue to put forth our best effort and feel refreshed more often.

I sincerely encourage you to give these a try the next time you need grounding. Keep moving forward, and do what works for you. Good luck and thanks for reading!