Easy and Effective Meditation Technique

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Feeling overwhelmed and struggling to find a moment of peace in your day is typical. But having trouble meditating? That’s different. Meditation can be a powerful tool to help bring quiet and calm to your mind, but many people find it difficult to get started. In this post, we’ll explore one easy and effective meditation technique you’ll ever need.


I’ll be honest with you, I’m not big on meditation. The traditional way that is. I’ve tried it and that just didn’t work for me because of one thing. Time!  I happen to stumble across this easy and effective meditation technique that I’ll explain later.

I will not leave the normal meditation methods out just because I don’t do it this way. I’ve been told by many that these methods work and I have no reason to doubt them. After all, my blog is about individual growth and trying out what works for you! My easy and effective meditation technique is best for me.

But before I share that with you, I will briefly define meditation and go over standard meditation tips and techniques.

What is meditation and why do it?

Meditation is a practice that trains your attention and awareness to achieve a calm and stable state of mind. Meditation is meant to help us look beyond our pressing matters and cope with them in a less stressful way.

How to get started with meditation

Once you have made the decision to start meditating, it is important to create a plan in order to ensure that you are successful in your practice.

First, it is important to decide on a time and place for meditation to ensure that you remain consistent. Additionally, you should try to create a calming environment with minimal distractions. This will help your mind focus on the practice at hand.

Different meditation methods to try

It is also important to find the type of meditation that best suits your needs. Choosing meditation methods can help you stay focused and motivated. Here I provide a short list.

  • Guided meditation – This method is very useful for people who want to be led into meditation by following guided instructions. This is usually done with the audio voice of the guide and relaxing tones or music. Guided meditation is good for people who want to quickly meditate with minimal effort.


  • Mindfulness meditation – This method is done by keeping thoughts from straying, and staying present in the moment.  This is a mind-training technique that helps to refocus your mind’s attention. It’s very useful for eliminating absentmindedness. I find this technique advanced and requires the most focus and practice.


  • Qigong meditation – This method is my favorite (if I can EVER find time to do it consistently). Like yoga, Qigong ( pronounced chi-gong) involves breathing and stretching. But this includes martial arts-like movements that are repeated instead of a still stance like yoga. This one is insanely relaxing and you get a beneficial workout as well. I find Quigong great for people who want to include physical action in their meditation.


  • Transcendental meditation – Believe it or not, this is the most common method of meditation because it’s simple. Transcendental meditation focuses on “silent tones” which is really a mantra and is usually practiced for at least 20 minutes daily.


  • Chakra meditation – This method is the stereotypical technique when you see the individual sitting cross-legged, with hands or fingertips in a particular position, and verbally chanting “Ohm”! This meditation is designed for chakra awakening and balancing.

Setting up a regular meditation routine

Finally, it is important to be consistent and persistent.  Carving out a specific amount of time, at the same time, on the same day is usually the best method because it helps develop an automatic routine.

However, the idea of meditation should complement your schedule, even if it’s an ever-changing one. In other words, get in where it fits in. Even if you feel that you are not making much progress, it is important to stick with it. Meditation is an activity that takes practice and patience.

The benefits of a consistent meditation practice

The benefits of meditation are what I like to call the triple R’s.  Reduce stress. Recalibrate chakra balance. Regain focus and clarity. There are many more benefits that people experience including but not limited to; inner peace, cognitive function, better communication, and mental wellness.

My easy and effective meditation technique

Making time is what I struggle something serious with, and I realized why.  My schedule is more flexible than Elastigirl!  This means with all of my random to-do’s, I more than likely don’t get to have a dedicated time to sit still.

To set up a calm and comfortable environment is a luxury for me. Therefore, my best mediation efforts are at bedtime.

Bedtime is the perfect prelude for people who can’t carve a meditation block during the day. Besides, I find preparing for bed is very similar to how I would prepare to meditate.

I change into PJs or comfortable attire and get in a cozy position. Naturally, this is after I’ve shut the rest of the house down for the night.

Next, create a relaxing space by turning the lights down or off in the bedroom and turning off electronics. I keep my phone on but I have the screen set to bedtime or nighttime mode. Put it on silent if you need to. I’m pretty lame so my phone isn’t jingling all night!

For iPhone: Go to settings. Select display and brightness. Turn the night shift on. For Android: Go to settings. Select display. select night light.

Some days are stupid and frustrating. Therefore, I need assistance with settling down. I’ll play binaural beats or tranquil music to help me relax.

I get myself in meditation mode by starting with thankful prayers for making it through the day. I continue by slipping into addressing how the events of the day unfolded. Good or bad, I make it my business to dismiss all thoughts of negativity and intentionally put focus on positive thoughts.

By this time I might be asleep or halfway there if it was one of those days lol! Mostly this is when I confirm affirmations and pray for assistance on my spiritual journey. After that, I am in a state of calm and relaxation.

This is an unorthodox way to meditate. However, the reason I find it so effective is that I can seamlessly infuse it with my bedtime routine. No matter how hectic my day-to-day is, I will always stick to my nighttime regimen.


Final Thoughts

Meditation can be a valuable addition to your daily routine to help bring calm and quiet to your mind. With the right approach, anyone can learn to meditate and reap the benefits. Now that you understand some of the basics of meditation,  give it a try! Take some time out of your day to sit and practice. Maybe my bedtime meditation technique may help you get into it.

I would love to know how your meditation journey is coming along by dropping a comment below. As always, I encourage you to keep moving forward and forever growing! Thanks for reading!