How to Get and Use Naturally Charged Rainwater

Rain. It helps plants and crops to grow, provides water for wild animals, cleanses the earth, and more. You should consider collecting rainwater.  In this post, I will tell you exactly how to get and use naturally charged rainwater.


Zebras drinking rainwater


Some people do not like when it rains while others find it soothing.

Jane is getting soaked by rainwater.


I love the rain. Whether you’re into rain or not, rainwater is a good ingredient to have on hand for personal use.

Dancing in the rain

How to get naturally charged rainwater

This process is super easy and practically free. All you need is a jar or container. Nothing special or fancy (unless that’s what you want to use). Make sure its mouth is wide and it’s solid enough so it can withstand strong winds and water. You can’t collect water if your container is rolling around the yard!

Watch the weather

Be prepared for the rain so it’s easier to have your jar on hand to collect your naturally charged rainwater.

Look for lightning

Step outside or go to a window that will allow you to see if there is lightning in the sky. The water is only charged naturally when lightning is present. If there is no lightning, that’s okay! You can charge the rainwater yourself!

Collect during a good downpour

There needs to be plenty of rain coming down. The collection process can be lengthy especially if you want to use a lot of naturally charged rainwater.

Find the perfect spot

Watering container and rain boots getting rainwater

When all conditions are favorable, pick a location to set your jar or container in the rain so it is unbothered and out of the way.

The collection process

Collecting the water seems easy. However, it doesn’t give you a full jar of water. In fact, it will give less than a quarter.

This will look and feel disappointing. Especially after you have run your butt out into the rain to perfectly place your jar. Fortunately, it’s best to do this process during the rainy season for two reasons.

First, it’s raining enough so it won’t take a long time to collect a significant amount of rain. Second, the longer your rainwater sits unused, the greater the chances of evaporating. And no, it doesn’t matter if the lid is on or off (sad to say).


Rain barrel collecting rainwater

Unless you have a rain barrel or some other way to collect directly from the gutter spout, it could take several heavy rainstorms to obtain a reasonable amount of water.


How to use naturally charged rainwater

Once you have the desired amount of naturally charged rainwater, you can use it for several things.

  1. Water your houseplants with it. Set the intention that it will promote your inside plant’s growth and longevity.
  2. Cleanse your crystals.  Naturally charged rainwater is excellent for cleansing crystals that are water tolerant.
  3. Use as a high-quality spell ingredient. If you’re into earth magic, opt for using high-quality ingredients that come directly from the earth.
  4. Use it in any water ritual.   Any ritual you practice that uses water (prayer, body cleansing, drinking, etc.) can benefit greatly from using the earth’s naturally charged rainwater. Use extreme caution if you plan to consume your collected water by making sure it is properly filtered and disinfected. 
  5. Trap negative energy. Negative energy can be cleansed by adding salt to the water. However, replacing plain tap water with naturally charged rainwater will give it ten times as much power.

Final Thought

I hope you found this post insightful. Rain is beneficial to all of our lives therefore, we can use lightning-charged rainwater directly from the source in different ways.

I sincerely encourage you to try it out, keep moving forward, and do what works for you. Good luck and thanks for reading!