Female Power Magic Gold Tips


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*NOTE*On this page, magic is used as a relative term to represent all things spiritual

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After reading the post; Female Power: 5 Ways It’s Used and Abused,  you want to know how you can add a little magic. After all, you’re curious to include a little something extra to the awesome information you have recently acquired.

Female Power Magic  Gold Tips

 Feminine aura is something most women have naturally. However, it can become watered down with daily stress, masculine and feminine imbalance, and certain lifestyle choices. Here is a list of magic gold tips for female power that you can add to your steps to restore natural femininity to balance and enhance its radiance. 

By all means, choose to fit your style! Remember, have fun, and always do what’s best for you.

Female Power Magic Gold Tip Crystals – Crystals are excellent energy transmitters, therefore they have numerous uses.

The best crystals for manifesting female power are:


Rose quartz –  This shimmering well-known gem is the ultimate beauty booster, empowering you with a dose of self-love, and oozing confidence in your feminine power. Trust me, it’s my go-to gem! Here’s my personal favorite.


Amethyst– Its mystical powers can keep your life centered, grounded, and full of feminine intuition. Plus, it’s like a personal superhero, keeping you safe from harm. So, without a doubt, I give Amethyst a five-star rating!


Unakite – Check out the Unakite crystal. It’s like a rock star with its bold green and redish-orange shades, and it’s all about supercharging your vitality and love vibes. 


Female Power Magic Gold Tip Prayer – A prayer is a form of communication that you send out into the realm of higher vibrations.

Send thankful and meaningful prayers to God. Be clear and specific in asking for what you want to achieve.

Archangel Jophiel is the beauty queen angel, guardian for all things self-love, confidence, and body image. She’s like a fairy godmother of gorgeousness, guarding the gates to the Garden of Eden. Jophiel will help you love the skin you’re in and rock your unique style.

When you’re feeling insecure, she’ll give you a new set of eyes to see yourself in all your beauty. She’s like a beauty therapist, banishing body dysmorphia and zapping negative self-talk. Speaking of skin, yours needs to be tough ladies because Archangel Jophiel is as fierce as they come.

With her coach-like presence, she’ll give you a nudge to clean up your act, your home, and even your outlook. She’s like the Feng Shui Angel, bringing balance and harmony to your life. So ask for Archangel Jophiel’s help, and get ready for your glow-up!



Archangel Gabriel is for the mothers. I’m certain you’ve heard of the one and only Archangel Gabriel. This angel extraordinaire is commonly known as God’s right-hand messenger of both delivering and returning prayers.

Did you know Gabriel is also in charge of everything related to creation, birth, motherhood, and perfecting parenting skills? Whether it’s helping with conception, adoption, or early childhood development, Archangel Gabriel’s got the stressed-out mamas covered!



Female Power Magic Gold Tip Affirmations – Affirmations can help you focus your thoughts on the goals you want to reach.

Help reprogram your mind by using affirmations. Over time, these help you create beneficial actions.

For female power, tell yourself every day the following:

“I am the definition of femininity.”

“I am a complete woman.”

“This lady is capable of anything.”

“I represent sexy my way.”

“I love who I am.” 

My mind and soul make me more than just my looks.

You can make up your own affirmations. Anything that is powerful, meaningful, and motivates you will do.  Something like “I take care of my body and produce killer results.” or “I accept myself the way God made me.”  Be creative and make it your own!

*Magic Gold tip with fairy dust: Use your rose quart or Unakite crystal to supper charge your affirmations!*



Female Power Magic Gold Tip Essential oils – Use essential oils in an oil burner, bath salts, or as a body fragrance.

Essential oils are excellent mood boosters and some are known to have healing properties. Besides, they smell fantabulous! When using essential oils, please use them carefully and as directed. It’s important to realize most essential oils can be worn, as long as they are diluted with a carrier oil (e.g. olive oil, almond oil, or coconut oil).

Geranium oilGeranium encourages bidding farewell to old baggage and making space for fresh vibes. It’s like a big, cozy hug that makes you feel safe and sound, unlocking emotions you didn’t even know you had. Plus, it’s ideal for chillaxing, easing tension, and boosting your feminine well-being.



Hyssop oilis beneficial when it comes to cleaning up and purifying your space, tossing out all negativity, and letting in all the good vibes.

This minty floral-smelling oil can even unblock your spiritual energy, making sure nothing stands in the way of your personal growth journey. And this can even help take your meditation game up a notch!


Lavender oil -This isn’t just a pretty purple plant, it’s a peacemaker and heart mender. When you’re feeling rough, it helps bring those feelings to the surface and clear out stagnant energy. Plus, it creates a chill and soothing atmosphere.





Female Power Magic Gold Tip Candles and Incense – Use the fire element of candles and incense to enhance successful outcomes.

Here are some options if you would prefer unscented pink candles or red candles. However, white candles are universal for all higher-energy work.

If you choose to use candles, light them while saying a prayer or affirmation.

Rose incense – Rose incense can keep things in check, especially when it comes to hormones. Acting as a balancing agent, the strong floral scent keeps us ladies at peak performance!

Jasmine incense – The sweet scent of Jasmine incense can work wonders on those moody menstrual days, giving a much-needed happy boost!

Helpful hint: Does something smell stinky to you?? Not everyone loves the same scents. Sometimes that means there’s a scent that you just don’t like no matter what form it’s in! 

However, most essential oils, candles, and incense come in the same fragrances. In other words, if you can’t find a fragrance in one, you may be able to find it in one of the others.

With that said, I recommend swapping between oils, candles, and incense fragrances until you find the ones you love. Also, try switching brands because you may favor the smell of one brand over another!


Female Power Magic Gold Tip Music – Certainly music is food for the soul. Plus, it raises the frequency in any area it’s being played.

Listen to positive and motivational music. Particularly, this could be anything that gets you in a good mood. For instance, if you’re feeling glum, try high-frequency instrumentals to help instantly lift low spirits.

Everyone who enjoys music has favorite genres and artists. In other words, music is easy to personalize.

So, find out what inspirational songs your favorite artists have available and play them to your heart’s content.  Not sure how to find your inspirational song?

Think about the goal of female power and what it means to you. Let’s say you want confidence. In this case, listen to music that is about personal beauty.

Kick it up a notch and shake those hips Shakira style! Belly dancing, ballet, and other delicate dance styles can boost your femininity 100%.  



Female Power Magic Gold Tip Soul Connection – Get in tune with your soul for a deeper connection with God and optimal intuition.

Firstly, get your mind, body, and soul in alignment.

Clear blockages in your solar plexus and heart chakra. As a result, you create a boost in feminine energy.

Ground yourself by sitting in silence outside in nature or in any comfortable space where you feel safe.


Go for it!

I hope you found these magic tips for female power insightful. To sum it up, incorporating one or two of these into your daily routine will have your female power fully loaded in no time! Remember to use your feminine prowess for good! LOL

 I sincerely encourage you to try these feminine magic tips, keep moving forward, and do what works for you. Good luck and thanks for reading!